Freya Collective is built by real Filipinas who will cater to your every question. We take pride in carefully selecting our bags for resale to ensure the authenticity of our items and of course, to protect our brand's reputation. As much as we care about fashion sustainability and women empowerment, we give, if not the same, more attention to the authenticity of the items on our store. Nothing makes us more excited than a satisfied customer and the idea of luxury at almost 80% off the retail price!

We specialize in buying and selling pre-owned luxury brands such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Dior, Celine, Prada, Givenchy and many more. Based in the Philippines, we acquire gently used purses from fashion conscious women just like you across the country and we make them available for sale online at discounted prices. We only source locally to ensure quality so that every Freya can get her dream bag without any worries! 


Frequently Asked Questions 

How can I guarantee authenticity?

All of our items are carefully selected so only items that are authenticated by licensed professionals are listed. Since the trust of our customers is our priority, once you have proven that the item you bought is fake, we will give you your money back 100% guaranteed. We have a brand to protect and customers to gain trust from. 

What mode of payments do you accept?

Delivery: Credit/Debit Cards via Paypal Payment Request Link, Online/Mobile Banking, and Over The Counter Bank Deposit. 

 How does shipping work?

We offer free shipping on all items. We ship through LBC for Provincial and Grab Express for Metro Manila. Expect your items to be delivered within 7 working days after payment. 

 Do you accept returns/refunds?

We can only accept returns or give refunds once proven that the item is not authentic. We post actual pictures of the items in our store and we'd like to trust our customers to know what they are buying. 

How can we sell?

Please visit our Sell With Us page for more information. 

If you have other questions, feel free to contact Rocky at 09154747370 or email us at info@freyacollective.com!  

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