Consignment Terms

Authenticity Guarantee

The Consignor certifies that all items listed above are authentic. If any item is found to be counterfeit after sale, the Consignor will provide a full refund to the Consignee, who will, in turn, issue a refund to the buyer.

Ownership of Consigned Items

Ownership of the consigned items remains with the Consignor until the items are sold.

Sales and Promotion

The Consignee agrees to use reasonable and diligent efforts to market and sell the Consignor’s items through their online store and other promotional channels as deemed appropriate.

Return of Unsold Items

At the Consignor's Request: The Consignor may request the return of unsold items at any time, with the Consignee required to arrange the return in the same or comparable condition as received within 5 business days of the request.

At the Consignee's Discretion: The Consignee may return any unsold item to the Consignor at any time, with 5 business days' notice to allow for necessary arrangements.

Liability for Loss or Damage: The Consignee assumes full responsibility for the care and protection of consigned items. In the event of loss or damage, the Consignee agrees to compensate the Consignor for the fair market value or cost of the affected item(s).

Payment Upon Sale

Payment will be made to the Consignor within 1-3 business days after each successful sale via bank transfer. 

Duration of Consignment

This Agreement does not impose a minimum or maximum consignment period. The Consignor may request a return of items at any time, while the Consignee agrees to prepare items for return within a maximum of 5 business days from the pull-out request.


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